Redeem Points
Welcome to the Flirt Rewards Marketplace! Here you can redeem your points for awesome prizes including special discount promo codes, premium video access passes, and more ways to spoil yourself and your favorite models!
You have 0 points available.
Promo Codes:
Unlock promo codes for big bonuses on your next purchase. All codes are one-time use only and will expire 48 hours after they are unlocked, so be sure to redeem your code quickly!
Promo codes may not be combined with any other sale, promotion, discount, code, and/or offer.

Virtual Gifts:
Buy gifts for models with your Rewards points! Simply choose your gift, select your screen name you want to send from, and choose the model you want to send to! You can even add a personal touch with a little message to let your favorite models know you how much you care.
Browse Virtual Gifts
VOD 24 Hour Access:
Our Daily VODs were only available to VIP members in the past. Now you can use your points to get 24 hour access to view the premium cam videos! Unlock this and have a full 24 hours to view our special selections for the day.
# Points requiredFREE 120 Credits!

Screen Names:
As a registered user you can create alternate screen names. Use rewards points to unlock EVEN MORE!
Register Now!
Give a Boost!
Use your points to give models a power score boost! The higher their score, the higher they rank, so be sure to keep boosting them to really get their attention!